PPG Chair’s Report August 2021




This has been a very strange year again and this is the first actual meeting we have had since August 2020. During that time people have been shielding or at the very least making sure that that they are keeping themselves safe.

Shops, restaurants and pubs opened up fully for a while last year, then came the next lockdown. Thankfully vaccines came on stream to help us resist the worst effects of the Covid19 virus, this was slow at first then vaccines became more widely available.

I would like to thank Courtside Surgery for all the efforts put in by their staff to manage the numerous vaccination clinics from the start of the year. I would also like to thank all those volunteers who gave up some of their valuable time to help marshal the many vaccination clinics.

Hopefully, soon, most patients will have had their first and second vaccinations giving the community much needed immunity from this dreadful disease.

Looking forward, it is to be hoped that we can continue to have our normal PPG meetings on a regular basis. We may even be able to plan future patient education presentations.

Finally, thanks once again must go to all staff and volunteers for all their hard work during this anxious time

Mike Garett

Chair – Courtside Surgery PPG