PPG Chair's Report August 2022




Here is my Chair’s report for the year ending August 2022. As you know this is my last report to you as Chair of the PPG. I am standing down at the next meeting on the 1st August 2022. This does not mean I will be leaving the PPG, just taking a bit of a back seat.

During the last twelve months covid vaccinations continued at the surgery, for which I would like to thank all staff at the surgery who were involved for their hard work and also to thank those who volunteered giving their valuable time in helping to make the vaccination clinics run smoothly.

Our PPG leaflet has been reviewed and revised and they are now freely available in the surgery waiting area. For this I would like to thank Anna, Jean and Lee Davitt for their work in getting this project through to fruition.

Courtside Surgery website has been renewed and is now more easily accessible and user friendly.

Dr Maarit Brooks has now retired from Courtside Surgery and I would like to thank her on behalf of the PPG for her help and attendance when she was an active member of the Group.

Finally thank you to Courtside staff, Lee, Richard and Dr Smith for their continuing support and attendance at our meetings. My personal thanks go to Jean for supporting the Group (and me) with her dedicated secretarial work. Thanks also to all of you for continuing to attend our meetings and for your input.

You will not be losing me as a member of the Group, I shall continue to attend the meetings for as long as I can.

Mike Garett

August 2022