PPG Minutes 10th Nov 2022





Mike Garett ( chair), Jean Poole ( vice-chair and secretary), Dr V Smith, Richard Marshall, Lee Atkins, Cindy Garett, Tess Munden, Rob Munden, Lee Davitt, , Trudy Gwatkin, Dave Powell, Becky Corbett-Pitman, Sharon Shaw, Kerry-Dee Harding, Barbara Bird


Mike welcomed everyone to the meeting. It was good to see so many members able to attend


Mike Woodward

Approval of previous minutes

Sharon Shaw, seconded Lee Davitt

Matters arising from previous minutes

  • PPG leaflet revision – it was agreed that the style and content needed to be re-visited. Richard will see if a new draft could be developed using a different software package that would allow the surgery to reproduce copies more easily. Lee D to send Richard the previous draft
  • Surgery services – things were improving with more face to face appointments being offered although waiting room restrictions still applied. Diabetic reviews would be restarting. Some catch up on other annual reviews was needed.
  • NHS app – prescription ordering. This is still an issue. Richard and Anna to investigate further
  • VPPG update – there are 5 members on the list and 3 more patients have expressed an interest in the last week and have been sent welcome messages.
  • Blood test delays - the issue with blood test tubes supplies has been resolved.
  • Patient survey – very few useful examples of local surveys were available. Richard will contact NAPP for other examples and asked members should let him have any thoughts about areas and questions that would be useful to include for 2022.

PPG issues

  • NAPP bulletins – a regular summary is now being issued and this is sent out to members. Mike and Jean would like to know if there are any news items mentioned that members would like to discuss at future meetings
  • NHS Winter plan – as yet , there is no published local plan but some money may be available for extra work.

Courtside issues

  • COVID booster vaccination and flu jab roll out – the surgery team and volunteers continue to be very busy with both types of vaccination clinics running. The last big flu clinic will be Saturday 13th November, however Covid vaccination clinics will continue for some time and it’s likely that the Moderna vaccine will now be used for some sessions. As with the Pfizer vaccine , a recommended 15 minute wait after vaccination has to be planned in, which restricts the numbers available to be seen each time.

AOB items

  • Text messages. A number of examples of duplication were discussed and it was explained that both the surgery and NHS would send out information and reminders but it was better to “be safe than sorry”.
  • The limitation to on-line booking of blood test appointments will now improve with the supply of test tubes resolved.
  • Phone triage by receptionists – it was agreed that this could be difficult for both staff and patients and that e- consult is available if patients are worried or concerned and need to supply more detailed information which would be reviewed promptly by a GP.
  • Discussion took place about incorrect information being held centrally despite the surgery records being correctly updated, which leads to misleading letters being sent out or potential correspondence delays. Lee A assured everyone that all correspondence is seen promptly despite which GP it addressed to. Richard asked that any specific concerns be brought to his attention promptly via his email address to enable him to investigate.
  • Dr Paxton retirement – it was acknowledged that it had not been practical to write to all his registered patients due to pressures on the practice which had disappointed some patients, but everyone had now been allocated a new named GP.
  • The practice information booklet was being updated and Richard would forward the draft for opinion and comment.
  • Richard was asked whether the main door could be accessed more readily yet, but he explained that unfortunately restrictions needed to remain in place whilst the Covid testing centre was present to limit potentially “Covid positive” cases access the surgery.
  • Some concerns were raised about specific inappropriate parking in the surgery car park and Richard asked that details were forwarded to him to investigate.

Date of next meeting

Wednesday 15th December 2021 at 7pm