PPG Minutes 1st August 2022





Mike Garett (chair), Jean Poole (vice-chair and secretary), Dr V Smith, Richard Marshall, Lee Atkins, Cindy Garett,  Lee Davitt, Becky Corbett-Pitman, Sharon Shaw, Kerry Harding, Barbara Bird, Dave Powell


Trudy Gwatkin, Tess Munden, Rob Munden

Mike explained that in view of the known apologies and others that had been anticipated prior to the meeting , a full agenda and AGM would be deferred for a few weeks. The next meeting would also include election of new officers.

An informal information sharing session followed.

Surgery update

Staff changes

Richard explained that a number of staff changes had taken place or were pending including:

  • Dr Jane Turner – retiring at the end of the year
  • Dr Rachel Bayly – retiring early 2023
  • Dr Salini Balendra – has started and will be undertaking both clinical and teaching sessions
  • Nurse Manager Nikki Marshall – leaving at the end of August. Jemma Chapman will be replacing her.
  • Nurse Rose Denoveva will be increasing her sessions and a new nurse associate has been recruited.

Practice information booklet

This had now been updated. Copy to be sent to PPG for information

Flu/Covid vaccination Autumn programme

Clinics will start in early October

Referral to secondary care

The process was explained following a specific query from a member of the meeting

Social prescribing

Details of the local link worker were awaited as an invitation to address the PPG is pending. Following a national survey earlier in the year, a report on PPG links to social prescribing has been published and will be sent out for information.

PPG potential new members

A number of  patients had expressed an interest in the PPG in recent weeks, but sadly had not responded to the welcome email. It was agreed that the updated PPG leaflet would be included in the new patient pack to try and avoid any confusion.

Date of next meeting

Monday 5th September 2022 – 7pm

This will include the AGM and election of chair, vice chair and secretary