PPG Minutes 25th Aug 2021





Mike Garett (chair), Jean Poole (vice-chair and secretary), Dr V Smith, Richard Marshall, Lee Atkins, Niki Marshall, Tess Munden, Rob Munden, Lee Davitt, Mike Woodward, Maureen Woodward, Trudy Gwatkin


Mike welcomed everyone to the meeting. It was nice to see people again!


Barbara Bird, Kerry Harding, Sharon Shaw, Dave Powell, Cindy Garett

Approval of previous minutes

Tess Munden, seconded Rob Munden

Matters arising from previous minutes

  • PPG leaflet revision – this needed to be re-visited. Lee D to review prior to next meeting
  • IUC patient group feedback – Jean explained that the meetings for the last 18 months had been held via Zoom but she was unable to participate. However, minutes and presentations for those meetings had been received each time. Unsurprisingly the statistics for NHS 111 activity and subsequent consultation action had increased over these last few months since lockdown arrangements changed. However, call handling waiting times are good. Staff numbers have also increased to keep pace with demand.

PPG issues

  • Chair’s report- Mike presented his report
  • Election of officers – Mike and Jean formally stood down from their respective roles but agreed to stand again. No other members offered to stand as PPG officers, so Mike was re-elected as chair and Jean as vice-chair and secretary. Mike advised the group that this would be the last year he made himself available as chair.
  • Surgery services – Richard and Dr Smith gave an update :-
    • Access to GPs – some conditions are identified as needing a face to face contact , so patients are able to see a GP. Others are offered a telephone consult and are subsequently seen face to face if necessary. Arrangements are regularly reviewed.
    • Abuse of staff -although there had been incidents reported locally , none had occurred at Courtside
    • NHS app- prescription ordering via the app doesn’t appear to be working for our patients. Lee A / Anna to investigate
    • Although the new roll out of data sharing has been suspended , the facility to opt in/out still appears on the app. There is also an opportunity to register organ donation.
      • CCG/ ICS re-organisation – Richard gave a brief explanation of the anticipated new arrangements contained in the Health and Care bill and referred to a useful explanatory document produced from the Kings Fund. ( distributed to committee members). Increased monitoring of long term conditions and preventative action features in the expectations of GP services. There is a lot to be worked out and it is anticipated that Dr Appleton will continue to take a lead in IT matters in the new area organisation.
      • VPPG – names interested in joining our virtual group continue to be submitted but many do not respond to the welcome email. A validation exercise of those contacts is currently underway.
      • Blood test delays – the limited availability of sample tubes is a nationwide problem which will continue for a few weeks, so some tests are being deferred to ensure urgent cases are prioritised.

Courtside issues

  • Staff update –Dr Paxton retired earlier in the year. A new GP, Dr Obi Obiagwu is settling in well. There are now 3 advanced practitioners ( Wendy. Vee and Jemma) who deal with many of the “same day/ urgent cases”. 2 physiotherapists now work in the surgery in support of the area Musculoskeletal service. Nurse Jo Butters has left the practice and Niki Marshall has taken over as nurse manager. 2 new nurses (Rose and Jemma) have joined the treatment room team. Recruitment is underway for a second practice pharmacist. Dawn Boden who has been organising the Covid vaccination clinics will also pick up the admin work to help monitor long term conditions.
  • COVID vaccination roll out – the surgery team and volunteers have been very busy since before Christmas and the uptake has been good. 64 clinics have been held ( 28 at West Walk involving Courtside patients and 36 at the surgery). 9654 (83%) of appropriate patients have been fully vaccinated with a further 852 (7%) having had their 1st . 664 (6%) of patients have declined. The new groups of younger adults are not being offered vaccination at the surgery and are attending the central hubs. The last 2nd dose clinic at the surgery is planned for 4th September. News on the booster programme is awaited.
  • Flu vaccinations – clinics have been planned for end of September and October and bookings are open for the first groups eligible. ( over 65s and vulnerable younger adults
  • National Patient survey results – these were disappointing and a discussion followed about the validity and size of the patient sample, the timing of the survey and possible follow up options, including doing a further survey within the surgery. Richard to review previous versions and discuss with team

AOB items

  • Mike thanked all that had helped at the vaccination clinics. The PPG involvement had been appreciated by both staff and patients.
  • Yate town expansion and master plan – it was noted that the current housing expansion developments don’t appear to have considered the impact on GP/ primary care services. Richard explained that developers are not required to include anything specific and the local NHS is responsible for working out the needs. The Yate master plan for the future 15 – 20 years is out for consultation and it appears that any impact on NHS facilities is not included.

Date of next meeting

Wednesday 20th October 2021 at 7pm