PPG Minutes 9th May 2022





Mike Garett ( chair), Jean Poole ( vice-chair and secretary), Dr V Smith, Richard Marshall, Lee Atkins, Cindy Garett, Tess Munden, Rob Munden, Lee Davitt, , Trudy Gwatkin, Mike Woodward, Becky Corbett-Pitman, Sharon Shaw, Kerry Harding


Mike welcomed everyone to the meeting


Barbara Bird

Approval of previous minutes

Mike Woodward, seconded Sharon Shaw

Matters arising from previous minutes

  • PPG leaflet revision – this has been updated and circulated for comment. New design and wording was approved by the meeting.
  • Patient seating – the bariatric chair has arrived and is in the waiting area. Awaiting feedback from patients. The raised chair in the nurse waiting area has been found to be very useful. Richard to investigate appropriate options for the main waiting area.
  • Practice information booklet revision – Richard will arrange for a copy to be sent to the PPG for comment when a draft is available
  • Social prescribing – it was agreed that a talk about the service from the provider (Southern Brooks) would be useful – Richard to follow up contact information
  • Patient portal – date of birth entry still an issue- Richard to meet with Mike to look at examples
  • Covid booster programme – the current roll out to specific groups is going well with a good uptake.
  • Urgent care service representation – Jean is currently our representative on their patient group but now finds it difficult to attend meetings. Ongoing representation to be revisited.

PPG issues

  • VPPG change of name- it was agreed to re-name this group “email patient group” as that better reflects how those members, who are not on the committee, are communicated with.
  • New member sign up arrangements – responses to the welcome message are still hit and miss. It’s hoped that the new leaflet and updated web page may produce a better response.
  • Upcoming committee changes – Mike confirmed his intention to stand down at the summer meeting and other positions would also need reviewing. The group was asked to consider nominations in advance for chair, vice-chair and secretary

Courtside issues

  • A draft newsletter and website message regarding the appointment process had been circulated prior to the meeting for comment – a discussion was followed by agreement that publication of the information would be useful
  • Staffing update – A new urgent care nurse ( Claire Barrel) has now started together with a new receptionist (Abi)
  • A replacement for Dr Brooks, who retires in June, has been recruited and will start in July.
  • Website – the surgery website has been updated and should be live shortly

AOB items

  • Referrals to other services – following a specific query , the need for a GP referral letter to both NHS and private health services was explained

Date of next meeting

Monday 1st August 2022 – 7pm