PPG Minutes 27th February 2023





  • Jean Poole (Chair and secretary)
  • Dr Vicky Smith
  • Rob Munden
  • Tess Munden
  • Richard Marshall
  • Lee Atkins
  • Trudy Gwatkin
  • Sharon Shaw
  • Kerry Harding
  • Lee Davit
  • Rebecca Corbett-Pitman
  • Mike Garett
  • Cindy Garett
  • Mike Woodward
  • Maureen Woodward


Jean welcomed everyone to the meeting



  • Barbara Bird

Approval of Previous Minutes

The minutes of 9th January were approved by the group


Matters Arising From Previous Minutes

  • Practice information booklet revision: a hard copy of the latest version was now on display. JP to send any further comments to RM.
  • Social prescribing feedback to GPs: feedback arrangements are being taken forward for discussion across the local network  – ongoing.
  • Staff training on Dementia Awareness: due to limited availability of local face to face training sessions, staff requiring training will be undertaking a 45 minute on-line session. LA to update at next meeting Jean discussed dementia friendly accreditation scheme introduced in another area which recognised the value of PPG involvement, particularly in advance care planning discussions. Dr Smith suggested that some work with the PPG around that wider issue could be useful. RM/Dr S to discuss
  • Age UK publicity: following the recent presentation , information was now on display at the surgery entrance
  • BRISDOC/ NHS 111 service patient reference group: the structure of patient reference group was being re-assessed by the service. Jean advised the meeting that she had recently stood down from the group but up to date news and information was available on the BRISDOC website for those interested.

PPG Issues

  • PCN/PPG chair networking: a meeting of the local PPG chairs was held recently to re-establish links across the 5 surgeries. Meetings will be held on a regular basis to exchange news and views, as was the case pre-pandemic. It was hoped to link across to the local Practice Manager’s meetings on occasions. Contact had also been made with the local Primary Care Network (PCN) Manager ( Rachel Ind). Richard explained her role to the meeting, together with how initiatives and funding are shared across the PCN.  
  • Information cascades: Jean receives regular newsletters from Healthwatch, ICB (Integrated Care Board) and others and these will be sent to PPG members for information and discussion at future meetings if needed
  • South Glos Drug and Alcohol services commissioning consultation: the  contract for the current providers is coming to an end. A survey has been issued and the views of local residents are welcomed especially from family members impacted by drug and alcohol use. Further information can be found on the South Gloucestershire Council website
  • Ideas for future guest speakers and public events: it was agreed that the re-introduction of some local public health information events would be useful. Suggestions were CPR, Autism and Advance care planning. – JP / RM to discuss across PCN network 

Courtside Issues

  • Staffing update: Although Dr Turner had now retired, she has been covering some GP sessions. Dr Bayly will be retiring in March. The patient list has been growing and the surgery now supports over 15, 000 patients. GP recruitment for the vacancies remains difficult . 
  • Appointment availability: this continues to be a challenge but the staff work hard to prioritise and support patient’s needs. The rota from April has yet to be made available due to planning around reduced GP resources.  
  • Covid vaccinations: No decision has been announced about Spring clinics as yet, but over 75s and those clinically vulnerable are likely to be the target group. 


  •  Other services at the surgery: The role of the mental health nurse and physiotherapist were explained,  who both work across the locality

Jean thanked everyone for attending


Date of Next Meeting

Monday 17th April 2023 – 7pm